Monday, November 17, 2008


Hellooo to alllssss

Soorrryyyy I haves nots been on mys bloggie. Mom has been berry busy cleaning outs the house. She has been crankies ands saying badies things, cause she is a packyrat for 22yrs. Nows we ares finallys moving this weekends and I will be backs playing with my friendes Cassie.

I will miss my 4 favorites parks in New Jersey. All those smellies. I really likes the cool weathers.

Whens I finallys gets down to Florida maybe Mom will let me put new pictures of me in my bloggie. I have gottens to bes a big boy. Do you believes I wills be ONE year old Dec. 3.

Have a good Turkey Day! Sure know I will have my shares

Woofs and Licks


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