Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Hi to alls mys friends,

Sorry to woory ya allw. NO I ams nots in jailed.

Mom is wery busy getting the house cweaned out. She is trwing to get ridis ofs alls the stuff she has managed to packy-ratis away in the 20+ yearws she has lived in this house. This weeks she gewts a BIGGY contanewr and pwans to reaslly workes harded. Ther ares 4 stories shes has to cwean. SOOO gladis Ims a puppy and do not haves to helpes. I haves tried hard to helpes and keep moving what Mom has readys to go to trashes. It is wrey funs to do this.
If it is nicey outside Mom wills puts me in the fenced in place soos I can watches.
We are going to move to Florida in July if all goes well with the clean out and furniture sale. The move wills gets me back to mys friend Cassie. I can not wait to suprises her.
Will keeps yous informes as tos whats happing whens I cans.

Woofs and Licks


Daisy said...

Hey, what part of Florida are you moving to? I live in Broward county (Parkland). We might be neighbors!

Punkin said...

HI Daisy

Lee County ( Cape Coral )is where I will be moving. Not sure where Parkland is , but do know Broward County is

Asta said...

Hi Punkin
Thatissooofaw..I've nevew been to Fowida, now Ill nevew see you boo hooo..
It's weally nice of you to help youw Mom
smoochie kisses

Sassy Kat said...

I am so glad to hear from you and know that you were not in time out or anything.
So you are planning to move back to Florida, I think you will like that because you will not like all of the snow up here that we have. Good luck to the cleaning and stuff. That part of moving doesn't sound like fun. Cassie will be happy to see you. Will you leave close by to Cassie?

Punkin said...

Hi Sassy

I will be pretty close to Cassie. I will be living at her PopPops condo until I gets a place. May stay there if Mom likes it. She is not sure, if she wants to live on 2nd floor or buy a house.
Will keep you upto date.

Woofs and Licks

Sassy Kat said...

Hope your momo is getting the work done that she needs to. Don't forget to tune in this weekend for CCSI III: Missing Mummy Caper. It promises to be a great show.
Sassy & The Executives

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Wow! That is a really big move. Best of luck to you and your Mom. We would offer to help with the move, but we are afraid that we would be put to work! hehehehehehehe!

Nice to know you are not in jail.
Opus and Roscoe

Chance said...

WOOF! I tagged you for a Meme. Check out my kitty brothers blog for the rules!

